Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
A Different Pattern- The Golden Circle

For lack of drawing three circles one inside of the other one; Looks like What is out the fathest- How is the next circle coming in and Why is the center circle (go ahead doodle it)
Here's the code:
100% Know "What" they do (I sell coffee)
Some know HOW they do it (MLM online)
Very few know WHY they do what they do (I believe I can make a difference in people's health)
The why here is not making a profit- that's just a result.
Let's look at "WHY" Why is your purpose? Your cause? Your belief? Why does your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed? Why should anyone care?
The way most of us think is from the outside in (What,how, why) Inspired Leaders and Organizations regardless of size or Industry think, act and communicate from (Why How and What) inside -out. You can spot these types of advertising because the belief statement will be first. You'll have to go to the website for more of an in depth explanation and examples. This is a must see video don't short yourself.
People do not buy what you do (sell coffee) they buy why you do it! (no acidic burn no jitters)
The goal is not to do business with EVERYBODY who needs what you have. The goal is to get
people to believe what you believe.
This came from Robert J Banach twitter and newsletter. He is an IBO citizen and I thank him for tweeting this today because I am so inspired from this great video! Thank you to Simon for making this presentation. Thank Robert and sign up for his newsletter!
Michelle Good
Organo Gold Distributor
Facebook Page: The Coffee Hut Depot
Facebook Group: Golden Global Marketing
Open Lessons on Facebook

Go to your wall, Look on the left side bar for "LIKE PAGES" <---Click then look to the top right corner for "create a page" <- Click and then pick out a category for your business and finish following the wizard.
I'll skip the part where you now set up your company profile and upload pictures. I want to address some pointers about facebook.
Do not be driven to get "FANS" - you can have 5,000 Fans and if you do not post the right CONTENT (<--CLUE) none of those fans will come back. Not only will they not comeback , They will not "Share" your post. It's in the sharing that gains the exposure to your purpose. Whenever I post a picture or a funny or information- I like to add my www address in the top of the post.
Your page should not be all about you. For example: I had a plumber in OHIO that posted only pictures of jobs he did- B-O-R-I-N-G! I took over as an administrator and started posting free ideas how to remedy plumbing type problems. Using lemon aide flavor Kool-aide in the dishwasher (empty) cleans the dishwasher. Naturally I posted a Kool-aide picture! His fans shared this on their wall. Posted a picture of an RV and how to clean out the pipes-again shared. Sharing valuable content helps the fans and establish the plumber as an authority and that he is willing to give away free information. When faced with a plumbing problem people will remember him based on the activity they have had interacting with his page.

When you login to your page click on the "home" tab and you will see in those feeds all the pages you liked and that's your opportunity to (build a friendship) "like" and comment- when you do that it will say "The Coffee Hut Depot likes this post or commented by The Coffee Hut Depot" and will show up on that persons page that will be viewed by all it's fans.
To pick up more likes I have gone to groups on Thursday night and posted that Friday is Facebook Fan day to come like my page and I'll like you back- It's a party! and I have shared that message on other social media sites and have gained more fans that way. When ever I post a PR or respond to a linkedin thread I post at the END that my Facebook page is The Coffee Hut Depot.
The biggest lesson here is it is NOT about fan count. It's about content worthy to share, building the friendships by liking and commenting on others pages. When you do have other businesses connected to your page- they see your post in their threads! Look at it as double exposure. If you have any questions simply send me an email and I would be happy to make you a video or call you and walk you through any computer skill you might need to aid in your marketing.
I really have tried to make this as simple as I can to explain facebook pages and I hope someone benefits from how to market with facebook pages.
Michelle Good, Organo Gold Distributor, 3 Star Stiforp member, Facebook page: The Coffee Hut Depot and Facebook Groups: Golden Global Marketing and Coffee Lovers.
I Tweet You NOT!
I’ve noticed a few things people and companies do on Twitter that they might want to rethink. Today, let’s discuss why you might find few people following you, despite all your desires to the contrary. Here are four big ones that are holding you back..
1.You rarely tweet. I hope this one is no mystery. You can’t win if you don’t play. For instance, I’ll check Tweepi before I follow you back. If you haven’t tweeted in the last 10-20 days, I’ll just ignore you. Want more followers? Tweet!
2.Your avatar sucks. Egg head? Unlikely folks will follow you, because you look like a spammer or lazy – or a lazy spammer. Animated avatar? Yes, they catch my eye – and they bug the coffee out of me!! No follow back. And here’s one that few companies get: logos. If your avatar is a logo, rather than a person, that means you’re here to broadcast and sell. That’s not social, and people will avoid you. Twitter is a social medium. S-o-c-i-a-l. Look it up.
3. All broadcast, no engagement. There’s that word again, broadcast, which means one-way communication – it’s how old school media works, or (guess what?) no longer works. Speak with me, not at me.
4.You don’t follow back. If I see you have 200 followers, or 2,000, yet you only follow 16 people yourself, I won’t bother following you. Why should I? You don’t reciprocate; you aren’t social. Your a twitter Dud.
Here is your personal invitation to follow me on twitter :
I will follow you back. Remember RT is retweet and you can favorite a tweet or reply this is being social. When people see you doing this their followers see you to and will ask to follow you and then you know you must follow back!
Michelle Good
Facebook Page: The Coffee Hut Depot
Facebook Group Golden Global Marketing
3 star Stiforp memeber
1.You rarely tweet. I hope this one is no mystery. You can’t win if you don’t play. For instance, I’ll check Tweepi before I follow you back. If you haven’t tweeted in the last 10-20 days, I’ll just ignore you. Want more followers? Tweet!
2.Your avatar sucks. Egg head? Unlikely folks will follow you, because you look like a spammer or lazy – or a lazy spammer. Animated avatar? Yes, they catch my eye – and they bug the coffee out of me!! No follow back. And here’s one that few companies get: logos. If your avatar is a logo, rather than a person, that means you’re here to broadcast and sell. That’s not social, and people will avoid you. Twitter is a social medium. S-o-c-i-a-l. Look it up.
3. All broadcast, no engagement. There’s that word again, broadcast, which means one-way communication – it’s how old school media works, or (guess what?) no longer works. Speak with me, not at me.
4.You don’t follow back. If I see you have 200 followers, or 2,000, yet you only follow 16 people yourself, I won’t bother following you. Why should I? You don’t reciprocate; you aren’t social. Your a twitter Dud.

I will follow you back. Remember RT is retweet and you can favorite a tweet or reply this is being social. When people see you doing this their followers see you to and will ask to follow you and then you know you must follow back!
Michelle Good
Facebook Page: The Coffee Hut Depot
Facebook Group Golden Global Marketing
3 star Stiforp memeber
Does your Business Know Generation Equis?

Quite simply, Generation Equis has buying power that exceeds all other ethnic groups. Try One Trillion in buying power in America alone. They are the fastest growing group in America and Globally. Population growth of 50% every 10 years.Generation Equis (X in Spanish) are from over 20 countries!
Indexing by google proves that the Latino market has the highest use of social media sites, blogging and use these sites more frequently and in larger numbers then any other ethnic group.
The social media phenomenon show that Generation Equis is a strong force/presence.
Fortune 500 companies like General Mills, Chevrolet, General Motors have taken notice to engage and market to Generation Equis. These companies are experimenting and being creative to catch a place in the market with this influential group.

Do not
* Think Generation Equis is not influential
* Think everything has to be in English or Spanish - Can combine your efforts.
* Do not approach the market with swag
* Do not treat them any differently or try to compensate them any differently
Engage on Facebook, twitter and look for other Latino markets
Recognize their buying power
Their influence
and broaden your searches to include the Latino Market and make friendships like you do on all
other platforms.
Do some research
Remember google translate if you need to write spanish but do not fully rely on it since many Latino's speak Spanglish- Like English speaking people speak slang - Don't be afraid to try, sure we might get laughed at but they will appreciate your genuine efforts. In other countries people speak several languages and for us who only speak English we have a lot of catching up to get into the broader markets!
I'd like to offer some links I found helpful is the influential Genration Equis blogger The Leading Social Media resources for the Hispanic market and influences is and of course you can youtube "Latino Market" and research more ideas. Just a great wealth of information out there on this subject!
Eso es lo que sucede! I hope I said "That's whats happening!"
Michelle Good Organo Gold Distributor of great tasting gourmet coffee, 3 Star Stiforp member and social marketer. Facebook page: The Coffee Hut Depot and Facebook group: Golden Global Marketing
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